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Extracurricular Clubs/Activities

Academia - Opportunity - Belonging


At The Lenham School all our students are encouraged to embrace every opportunity available to them. There are a great variety of School Clubs, Competitions, School Trips, they can take part in enabling them to become confident young adults. 

Our extra-curricular clubs will encourage students to develop a further skillset and play a pivotal role in building interests and passions as well as discovering new pursuits.

PleaseCLICK HERE to view our current Clubs timetable, including Year 11 Revisions sessions.


Duke of Edinburgh (Bronze & Silver)

Students in Years 9, 10 and 6th Form are offered the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze/Silver Awards.  These awards are sought after and highly valued by universities and employers who recognise the value of a challenging qualification that develops the person in an environment of social interaction and team working.

By taking part students will gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team working, communication and drive, enhancing CV’s and job applications.