Student Leadership Opportunities
As our Character Compass indicates, we are growing the next generation of Leaders and as a school, we aim to nurture students' leadership potential. This may be in the classroom leading a group task, or during a Business Enterprise Day being the Chairperson of a business. We also have other more formal leadership roles which students are invited to take part in.
Reading Leaders and Head Student Librarian - Working alongside our Assistant Headteacher, Reading Leaders and the Head Student Librarian work with other students to support them in improving their reading.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors - The Anti-Bullying Ambassadors work alongside our Safeguarding Team to raise any concerns regarding bullying that occur and offer support to their peers. Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are trained and have taken part in The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Ambassador Training Programme.
Sports Leaders - Sports Leaders work with local primary schools in the delivery and planning of sport related activities. Sports Leaders also take the lead on Sports events at The Lenham School.
School Prefects - In Year 10 students are given the opportunity to apply to be a School Prefect. This role focuses on supporting and representing the school at school-based and community events.
Head Student and Deputy Head Students - In Sixth Form, two Year 12 students and two Year 13 students are selected to be Deputy or Head Student. This role often entails leading groups of students at public events and presenting to parents/ carers, school governors and staff. Head Students support the Staff at key charity events and help organise additional Sixth Form activities.
Student Council - Each Personal Development Group at the start of the year elects one student to become a member of the Student Council. The Student Council meets with a variety of members of staff including the Headteacher and the Leadership Group and sometimes School Governors as well; and discusses opportunities for the school to improve. The Student Council is also broken up into a number of smaller committees, each with a particular focus and projects which they explore and then present the findings back to the main Council.
Sports Captain and Vice Sports Captain - The Sports Captain and Vice Sports Captain work with our Lead Teacher of PE and Head of Sixth Form to support the running of Sport teams, sport fixtures and Sport Events. The Sports Captain and Vice Captain will also represent the school at Open Events as well as support in the running of Sports Day.