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Personal Development

Academia, Opportunity and Belonging

At The Lenham School, students develop the attributes of life longer learners, who are ready to face the world of work. Students embrace opportunity and understand that failure is only the first step to success. Character development enables them to achieve their ambition and through tolerance, respect, honesty and integrity prepare them to become active and informed citizens of the world.   

The Lenham School Personal Development Curriculum has six core composites: 

  • Citizenship and British Values 
  • Equal Opportunities and Protected Characteristics 
  • Online Safety
  • Healthy Pupils and Relationship and Sex Education
  • Career and Finance Education
  • ​Developing Pupil Character

As a school, we are fully committed to promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of our students. As part of this, we teach and encourage students to respect the Fundamental British Values (FBV) of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We understand the importance of SMSC in developing student’s identity and their self in society.  

To achieve this, we offer a wide range of opportunities and programmes through: 

  • Our Mastery Curriculum 
  • Transition Programmes 
  • Local community engagement 
  • Career/ Employability engagement 
  • Personal Development Curriculum/ Personal Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) 
  • Clubs and Societies  
  • Internationalism and Global Awareness 
  • Pupil Character 
  • Charity