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Work Experience

The Lenham School believes Work Experience is vital in preparing students for the wider world of work.

Work Experience week is carried out in Year 10 and Year 12 during Term 6. At KS5 there is a strong emphasis made on placements linking to students chosen academic pathway.

The aims of work experience are:

  • For students to develop employability skills and apply their knowledge and understanding gained in school to a placement.
  • To gain a better understanding of students own aspirations.
  • To develop student's pupil character, such as resilience and initiative.


In preparation for the work experience placement a variety of sessions are delivered to focus on preparing students for the world of work. These sessions include:

  • Health and Safety
  • Professionalism and Confidentiality
  • Safeguarding and Whistleblowing

During placement students complete a Work Experience Log which is a reflective tool used to identify the skills and characteristics being developed. At the end of the placement, employers receive a form to provide feedback on the students’ performance during placement.

Safeguarding considerations

The Lenham School has a ‘duty of care’ for all our students. Before students can attend a work experience placement a number of checks must be made:

  • Health and Safety policies and documents
  • Employers Liability Insurance with certificate provided
  • Risk assessment provided
  • Agreement to follow the School’s Safeguarding policy
  • Information about the employees the student will be working alongside

Our work experience for Year 10 is organised by EBP (Education Business Partnership)

During the student's placement, a member of school staff will visit the student in placement. During this visit, the staff member will check with both the student and the employer how the placement is going and identify any issues.