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Information for Parents / Carers

Your Child’s Careers Learning Journey

You can access a roadmap of the Careers Journey here which outlines the key events students will explore.

Vision for Careers

The Lenham School is focused on providing students with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their future; while focusing on developing employability and raising aspirations. The Lenham School takes a unique approach to its Careers Programme with a heavy focus on working alongside employers, who can talk about their work and opportunities and help develop students' transferable employability skills; as well as speak to students' about careers in their field.

Next Step Information - Key transitions

Your child will select their GCSE options in Year 9. Students will be guided through this process and will be offered advice to help them choose their options. Information on this can be found in our Student Section.

Your child will decide on a post 16 pathway during Year 11. Information on this can be found in our Student Section.

In Year 13 your child may choose to apply for university or degree apprenticeship. Information on this can be found in our Student Section.

LMI Information & Useful Websites
Talking Futures
A Parents Guide
Amazing Apprenticeships
CXK SEND Resources
START Profile
LMI for All
SACU Labour Market Explore

How Parents/Carers can support the Careers Programme

We are always keen for employers to speak to our students, take part in Careers Fairs and host students on work experience. Please contact our Careers Leader, Mr Alex Diamond, at a.diamond@thelenham.viat.org.uk

We will send out a survey to get your feedback on our Career Provision in Term 6. This will be sent via email.

You can access information about your child’s career interests and Personal Guidance Meeting via UniFrog which can be accessed by selecting the image below.

Unifrog image